Thursday, March 24, 2016

My work again on The jealous Curator

Thank you Jealous Curator !

search /// anne siems

anne siems
Ah, the ghostly, strange, and beautiful large scale {most are 48″x36″} paintings of German born, Seattle based artist Anne Siems. I wrote about her way back in 2012. Her work was lovely then, but it has evolved so beautifully. Here are Anne’s words on that:
“My work has moved from semi-abstract, room-filling plant and insect drawings, to paintings of detailed botanical and anatomical imagery on waxed paper bags, to my current work of young women and children on wood panel. The thread here being my fascination and awe of life on this planet and the connectedness I feel to all, but find hard to describe in words. In the process of finding healing for chronic pain and fatigue (I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia eight years ago), I have deepened my interest in shamanism, ceremony and the deep nurturing that nature provides.”

i’m jealous of anne siems

Ahh, the work of Seattle based, German-born, artist Anne Siems… so beautiful, so so strange. This is actually her work from a few years ago {here’s her more recent work}, but the closeups of these paintings on panel were just too amazing not to show. There is an entire world happening in each of these pieces… lovely lambs, tiny flowers, and a strange little man riding… um,  is that a dog?

Thursday, March 17, 2016

My young Lover

The other day I thought: My painting is my marriage and my pottery is my young lover...
On my new instagram account for my pottery #erdartkeramik I wrote: "Painter by day, Potter by dusk.
It is so invigorating to have a new passion.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Mary Oliver -can't get enough of her

Reckless Poem

Today again I am hardly myself.
It happens over and over.
It is heaven-sent.

It flows through me
like the blue wave.
Green leaves – you may believe this or not – 
have once or twice
emerged from the tips of my fingers

deep in the woods,
in the reckless seizure of spring.

Though, of course, I also know that other song,
the sweet passion of one-ness.

Just yesterday I watched an ant crossing a path, through the
      tumbled pine needles she toiled.
And I thought: she will never live another life but this one.
And I thought: if she lives her life with all her strength
      is she not wonderful and wise?
And I continued this up the miraculous pyramid of everything
      until I came to myself.

And still, even in these northern woods, on these hills of sand,
I have flown from the other window of myself
to become white heron, blue whale,
      red fox, hedgehog.
Oh, sometimes already my body has felt like the body of a flower!
Sometimes already my heart is a red parrot, perched
      among strange, dark trees, flapping and screaming.
—Mary Oliver


Sunday, March 6, 2016

Shamanic retreat with Hank Wesselman

The “shamanic shuttle” has landed back in Seattle and I still am jet lag from this incredible journey. Where to begin writing of my adventures?

Every morning started with our circle of 12 drumming and rattling powerfully for 10 minutes, sending blessings to all our spirit allies รข€“and the room was getting more crowded with each journey. We had approx. 8 hours of class time every day ( my butt really hurt..) and in-between got to eat the wonderful food with wonderful new people in the lodge. We had time for walks in the spirit woods of remote Breitenbush, through a wonderland of thickly moss covered standing people, the rushing river always nearby. We had time to soak in the hot waters of Firewoman’s love at all hours of night and day. Everything I could have hoped for manifested. We learned journeys of all varieties, into the middle world, upper world, lower world, we learned protocol, we visited ancestors and spirit animals, we called on those that would come to our aid and to the aid of our fellow travelers. The information given with so much love was immense and I am still percolating…¦

Hank Wesselman 

is a living treasure, a shaman of formidable power, a gregarious, reverent and irreverent teacher, an intoxicating story teller, an intellectual with an ivy league education and deep knowledge of cultures from all over the world and a generous, humble, hilarious , loving and endlessly generous human. We laughed, we cried, we journeyed and shared daily chocolate in a group of beautiful humans ranging in age from 18 -75 , with various knowledge and experience , every single one giving freely of themselves. I was privileged to get picked for a deep healing for my bladder and discovered some new truths both sorrowful and heart opening.

A shaman is the bridge between the world of spirits and humans , he /she is a vessel through which change can be facilitated. It’s available for every one of us, embedded in our DNA and as Hank said:”It’s just a double click away”.

If you are in the slightest bit curious , do not miss a chance to spend time with this incredible teacher.

The next teachings are in July¦.